Alex Andres Developer Portfolio

Alex Andres Developer Portfolio Homepage Screenshot

This is my most recent project and is a great representation of my skills as a developer. NextJS, TypeScript, MDX, Styled Components, Framer Motion, GraphQL, Apollo, KeystoneJS, Node, and Vercel with multiple integrated APIs

Project Type

Tech Stack
  • Next JS
  • TypeScript
  • Styled Components
  • MDX
  • Keystone JS
  • MongoDB

Project Purpose and Goals

The purpose of my portfolio is to showcase my work as a developer and provide me a space to create blog posts about the problems I have been working on. My goal while developing this site was continue my use of modern web frameworks and libraries and to challenge myself to incorporate new technologies that I have yet to work with.

NextJS Logo
Styled Components Logo

Tech Stack: What and Why?

I chose Next.js again as the framework for this project, as it gives the flexibility of static site generation and server side rendering when I need it.

The site is mostly static content but I have added features on the blog that require use of server side rendering, such as likes on a post.

I chose Styled Components for the css, and Framer Motion for the page animations. The content for the pages will be managed with Keystone CMS, and the blog posts will be written using MDX to give me the ease of writing in markdown with more flexibility than a normal CMS rich text data type. The markdown is also data that can be queried, meaning I can easily filter, search and sort the posts.

As I have become more confident with my javascript skills, I have decided its finally time to get into the world of TypeScript, for the predictability, quality assurance, and the IDE embedded feedback and notes while using VS Code.

The data that is associated with the posts will be stored in MongoDB.

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Alex Andres Developer Portfolio Desktop and MobileMockup Image

Let's Work Together

Whether you have a question, would like to work together, or just want to connect, feel free to reach out.