About Me

I have a fascination for life, and curiosity about the things I have yet to discover that motivates me to keep going.

Hiking in Costa Rica process image

I’m a web developer from Pasadena, California, who recently moved to Zurich, Switzerland. Being raised by parents who both were teachers (math and art), I have always had the passion for learning, visual creativity and logical problem solving, all of which are satisfied by my career in web development.

I strive to create memorable user experiences on the web through intuitive designs and writing clean html, css, and javascript. My current tech interest include React, Styled Components, Node, Express, Next JS, and learning Python.

When I’m not working, I am spending time with my lovely wife and our son, playing tennis and hiking, and cooking meals for and enjoying the company of my family and friends.

Currently Listening To

Not Currently Playing Music

Let's Work Together

Whether you have a question, would like to work together, or just want to connect, feel free to reach out.
